Setting up Linksys WiFi router with Airtel Broadband

I bought a Linksys WiFi router last weekend. I had a little bit of trouble configuring it, although the problem was trivial, it took me some time to figure it out. I’m jotting down some notes here about what I did to resolve the problem. ( I’ve have some tips at the end of this post which you may find usefull for use with linksys (and probably other) routers and with most DSL modems.)

The Problem
The beetel DSL modem installed by Airtel has the IP address set to The Linksys router (and probably other routers as well) use the same IP address ( as their default IP address for accessing their configuration page. This causes an IP address conflict and hence the router wouldn’t be able to forward IP packets to the modem.

The Solution
1) Insert the installation CD/DVD provided with the wifi router and follow the instruction for installing the router. During the installation (Probably at the final step) the router will fail to detect Internet connectivity. That’s fine, as this is the problem we are resolving. Leave the setup window open and proceed to next step.
2) Open your favourite web-browser and enter the following address in the URL bar :
3) The above step should open the Linksys configuration page. If you are prompted for a username and password, enter admin for both the fields. If you had set a router password in step 1 enter username as admin and the password you had set in step 1. Before the username and password is asked you might be displayed a page with 3~4 icons, labeled WAN, LAN etc. select the WAN Icon, enter the username and password as described above, if prompted for.
4) On the page displayed select Setup tab (most likely the first tab) and under that select Basic setup (The exact name/text might vary but would most probably be something similar). Scroll down and locate the field Local IP address. The default value for this field would be, change it to
5) Scroll further down the page and click on Save Settings. Reset your router and DSL modem (Power them OFF, wait for 10~15 seconds and power back ON). Wait for around 1~2 minutes (So that the Router and DSL modem have properly rebooted).
6) Complete Installation of the router (Click ‘Try Again/Re-try’ in the setup window we left open in step 1)

You should now be able to browser Internet properly on the wired (directly connected) computer. Setup your Laptop and Desktops with WiFi Ethernet card/adaptors to connect to the WiFi router. After that you should be able to access Internet through them.


  • Always setup a WPA/WEP key (pass-phrase) for your WiFi router for thwarting unauthorized WiFi piggybacking.
  • For most users WPA Personal (with default settings) should work good enough. You can set/change the pass-key for WPA Personal by logging to the web-based router configuration pages. Select Wireless tab in the configuration page and under that select Wireless security. Select WPA Personal for security Mode field and Change the field labeled WPA Shared Key. This is the key you will enter when connecting to your WiFi router form you laptop or other computers with Wireless Ethernet cards.
  • Do not buy the WiFi router provided by Airtel :) , it is expensive (around Rs.500~Rs.1000 more than other similar quality routers) and from their own company Beetel (Yup, Beetel is owned by Bharati group). And I haven’t heard/read good reviews about Beetel WiFi routers.
  • Remember: to access the Router configuration pages you need to enter the IP address you entered in step 4 (, the address will take you to DSL modem’s configuration page.
  • Default username and password for DSL modem is admin and password respectively.
  • You may remove the directly connected computer after your WiFi router is setup properly. You need a directly connected computer for fist time installation and configuration of the WiFi router.

I hope this post was of some help to all the Bharti-Airtel broadband users. Thanks for reading. :)

18 responses

  1. Long Distance Wireless Router…

    Routers have come a long time in the last few years it’s amazing how much they’ve changed….

  2. j. arora Avatar
    j. arora

    wow! thanks for this method… 🙂
    i searched online and came across another way where it described a lengthy process to modify the modem settings (set it up as a bridge and what not), but i decided to give this method a go… and it worked.. YAY!!!
    Thanks soooo much… (i was getting a lil sad cuz i just bought a new router and it wasnt connecting… Now i feel soo happy!! 😀

  3. Ashwin Avatar


    I am planning to buy the D-Link DSL-2640T Wireless G ADSL2+ Router for my Airtel Broadband connection. Will the method you told support the above router model? Also is there a difference when i buy the router in UAE and use it in India?

    Would be grateful for your feedback on the above since I am in two minds whether to buy the above or not.

  4. Namith Avatar

    Thanks. After more than an hour of troubleshooting my connection (Wifi connection between laptop & router OK, but unable to access internet through Wifi), Google took me to this page.
    And this method worked for me 🙂 I am using Linksys WRT160N with Airtel broadband, and changing the router’s IP address to worked for me!

  5. Markandey Singh Avatar

    good that u blogged.

  6. Karan Avatar

    I want to take Airtel Broadband connection with unlimited plan. I have 2 lappy’s with me… So planning to buy wireless router. AS u have mentioned i ahv also heard Airtel provided router is not gud. Can anyone of u suggest which wireless router to buy which is economical enough with better configuration. PLease quote the rates if u know..

    Thanks in advance

  7. ANON Avatar


  8. Xyz Avatar

    Thanks a ton.

  9. Mac Avatar

    hey thanks 🙂

  10. Hussainkothari Avatar


  11. you suck dick! Avatar
    you suck dick!

    this is so lame. i cannot believe people out there are soooo stupid that they cannot figure this out.

    btw, i reached here by googling rj11-rj45 airtel broadband.

  12. Gaurav Avatar

    xK0der, Thanks a lot for your write up. really appreciate. helped me fix. 

  13. Iceqbzz Avatar

    So, how did you make the physical connections. Assuming you connected the modem to linksys router using a normal patch cable, to it’s “Internet” that correct? Mine is a beetel “router” and I plan to use it as a modem only. I will disable the wifi and dhcp on it, and will connect it directly to linksys. Would that work?

  14. deepak Avatar

    Thank you it worked 🙂

  15. deepak Avatar

    Thank you it worked 🙂

  16. Yati Avatar

    This is really helpful. Thanks

  17. Linksys Password Avatar

    Thanks for sharing great information… here is users can get instant help for linksys Password issues.

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