• Considering I’m an Indian citizen, this might be the first of it’s kind in our country. Yes! I was allowed to see my wife’s cesarean operation. Two day before we had planned for the delivery of our Baby, we visited our Doctor to let her know of our intentions to go for a C-Section. It…

  • Some time back I had posted a simple Git tutorial that introduced you to 10 git commands, to get you started with this wonderful piece of tool. The response that I got for that post was great. I also got comments asking me for how to perform few other tasks. So here it is, the…

  • While testing my mail server, by sending a mail to my GMail account, I noticed something peculiar at GMail. I sent a mail using Thunderbird to my GMail account, then checked the mail on the GMail’s web interface and found a rather amusing ad under the “sponsered links” section. Click on the image below for…

  • Part – II of this tutorial is now available here. Git is marvellous piece of tool every programmer must have. Git is a distributed version control system developed by Linus and others. Yes you guessed it, it is used heavily by the Linux (kernel) developers apart from many other projects. How will Git help you…

  • Javascript hides a lot of arsenal beneath its simplicity. In this post I’ve tried to explain normal javascript arrays and associative arrays starting with absolute basics and then presenting the advance concepts that are often overlooked but are simple to understand and are very handy. I’m not a Javascript guru . This post is more…

  • Before I write anything about it, here’s the link to the JPC project http://www-jpc.physics.ox.ac.uk/index.html It’s a nice feat these guys have achieved by creating an emulator for Intel x86 architecture in Java. I’m not sure how useful this project would be, but it’s a cool peice of software . Hats off to the JPC developers.…

  • This is a post I’ve written at my Company blog. Here’s a small excerpt and the link to the complete post. Git and Trac – A Love Story Git and Trac, both got married very recently (at our setup ), and the newlywed couple are quite a charm to work with. It all started with…

  • I bought a Linksys WiFi router last weekend. I had a little bit of trouble configuring it, although the problem was trivial, it took me some time to figure it out. I’m jotting down some notes here about what I did to resolve the problem. ( I’ve have some tips at the end of this…

  • For the past 3~4 days I’ve been experiencing problems with Yahoo! Mail. I’ve asked few of my friends and relatives and they all seem to be having the same problems. The problem is affecting both Yahoo Mail classic and the new ajaxian Yahoo mail. Symptoms observed 1) Yahoo! Mail rejects your login credential straight away.…

  • A popular Internet Television network named Revision3 was brought to knees by a cyber attack from a company named MediaDefender, offering services to prevent copyright infringement using P2P distribution method. You can read the complete story here: Revision3 CEO: Blackout caused by MediaDefender attack. The story seems to be straight out from a Scifi movie.…